Art Craft Classes
As part of the CBSE Board experiential pedagogy Art Education forms an integral part of the curriculum used as a tool for experiential learning. This has been done to enhance children’s own ability to construct knowledge, and explore novel ways of learning. It is a clear departure from mechanical retrieval or so-called rote learning. Board recommends all forms of Art (visual and/or performing) in the form of education as well as integration. It is an acknowledged fact that all disciplines being pursued by students at all stages require creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Art education is one of the recognized methods of helping the child apply art-based enquiry, investigation and exploration, critical thinking and creativity for a deeper understanding of the concepts/topics in any subject at hand. The skill requirements of 21st century skills exactly match the skills that a child acquires through art education. Therefore, do encourage your children to take up various forms of art at all levels, as are offered by the school.